Welcome to the ETRCC

The Elgin Township Republicans are the party of Abraham Lincoln and Ronald Reagan, with a proud tradition of support for freedom, opportunity, and integrity. By fighting to reform Illinois at the local level, we will make Elgin and our State a great place to work, live and play. We will promote the principles that have made our Nation exceptional and unleash the great potential of our citizens – not the size and reach of government.
Our Mission
To promote an informed electorate through political education
To foster loyalty to the Republican Party and its ideals
To work for the election of the Republican Party’s nominees
To promote individual liberty, person responsibility, fiscal responsibility, good governance, with minimal regulation, lower taxes, and less government.

Ed Dring

David Teas

Co-Vice Chairman
Karen Wineland
Michael Kenyon
Doug Scheflow
Precinct Committeeman
Precinct Name
Elgin 1
Elgin 2 Mark Schrage
Elgin 3
Elgin 4
Elgin 5
Elgin 6
Elgin 7 Doug J Scheflow
Elgin 8
Elgin 9
Elgin 10
Elgin 11
Elgin 12 Maggie Beyer
Elgin 13
Elgin 14 Eric Stare
Elgin 15
Elgin 16 David Teas
Elgin 17
Elgin 18 Greg Lieser
Elgin 19
Elgin 20
Elgin 21
Elgin 22 Nicole Dean
Elgin 23
Elgin 24
Elgin 25
Elgin 26 Shane Nowak
Elgin 27
Elgin 28
Elgin 29 Donald Puckett
Elgin 30
Elgin 31
Elgin 32
Elgin 33
Elgin 34 Karen Wineland
Elgin 35
Elgin 36
Elgin 37
Elgin 38
Elgin 39 Michael Kenyon
Elgin 40
Elgin 41 William Werst
Elgin 42
Elgin 43
Elgin 44
Elgin 45 Mark Bielek
Elgin 46 Ed Dring
Elgin 47 Walter Wright
Elgin 48
Elgin 49
Elgin 50
Elgin 51 Scott Webb
Elgin 52